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Outlier’s Path

Minor Course Correction or Completely Change Course

Happy Labor Day weekend! I hope you had a weekend with barbecues, picnics, outdoor activities, travel, and gatherings with friends and family. Every Labor Day weekend, I take some time to rest, reflect, and start the countdown to the end of the year. We only have 17 weeks left, and it is always a fast sprint from Labor Day to the end of the year.

Let’s reflect on what we, individually and collectively, want to accomplish before the end of 2024. With approximately two-thirds of the year completed, we have much information on how we are progressing against our goals. There is no doubt obstacles and challenges lie ahead as well. We may need minor course corrections or to completely change course to achieve our goals, but let’s clearly distinguish the two methods. When we have the right strategy and are executing well, pushing forward with minor course corrections is likely all that is needed. If not, we must take more extreme measures and plot a new course to reach our desired outputs.

Each of us knows best where we stand. Determine whether minor course correction or a completely new course is required. Let’s finish the year strong!